Use the service of a professional pest control company if you have an infestation.
Good luck and enjoy the beautiful Southern Nevada fall weather.
As summer turns to autumn, the dropping temperatures often cause outdoor pests to seek warmer weather in homes and storage areas. Without taking the proper preventative measures, homeowners can find themselves in a battle with pesky bugs. To cut down on pest populations before bugs begin to make their way indoors, make maintenance a top priority. Keep your trash containers and recycle bins clean, remove any dead weeds and any debris near the walls of your home, keep your storage areas and garage neat and tidy. Spray insecticides along the foundation of your home paying special attention to areas of high moisture content such as irrigation system valve box. Spray in all cracks and crevices in foundation or concrete walks or driveways and any areas with limited or restricted access.
Use the service of a professional pest control company if you have an infestation. Good luck and enjoy the beautiful Southern Nevada fall weather. |
Kelly & Jeremy PalmerOwner of Archives
October 2023
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